Our speaker at the March Gathering, Terry Garde, has a lifetime of experience in mine management, mostly within southern Africa. He recently finished a PhD, having researched artisanal and small-scale mining in East Africa. His book, "Mining God's Way" is widely available as a paperback or eBook.
He spoke about Mining God’s Way, an initiative he founded to work with the poor who use handheld equipment, with minimum capital and technical training to derive their livelihoods from local, easily accessible minerals, metals, or precious stones. The project is hosted by the International Miners’ Mission and there is more information about supporting women miners in Kenya here. Terry also partners with the faith-based CRED Foundation. Of interest to TEN is the business enterprise approach which Terry discussed, which is essential to engage miners and move towards broader ESG objectives.
Terry is trying to go from vision to practice. He has a "(very) draft Prospectus" and "the beginnings of cash flow spreadsheets". He is seeking good people / partners with experience; needs help with preparing pitches; and needs help with a network of possible investors. Can you help?
The recording can be viewed here.
A free download of his thesis can be accessed here. His book "Mining God's Way" can be purchased at £6 here.