If you have always wanted to start a business but you're not sure how, this course is for you. The course will help you find the right business idea - or refine the idea you already have - and then help you test whether it will be profitable, before you risk any money. It's a step by step practical guide written by entrepreneurs, who have been there and done it themselves (rather than advisors, civil servants or charity staff who have never actually risked a bean of their own funds!).
The course will be on Zoom for one hour once a week for 10 weeks from 26 January.
Here's one recent unsolicited comment: I just wanted you to know I have your wonderful “Mind Your Own Business” program now and must say it is so comprehensive I’m immensely impressed and this is coming from an experienced Transition Life Coach. For anyone reading this, if you’re looking for a road map about starting a business, take a look at this free resource Jerry is offering. You will benefit greatly by taking advantage of this important work.
The course will be led by the workbook author Jerry Marshall. Jerry went self employed following redundancy. The business flourished and became a platform for setting up a social enterprise (helping people out of long term unemployment), then a tech company (which he sold a few years later, meeting his lifetime financial goal), then an 'Impact business' (which has already created 150 jobs in one of the toughest parts of the world) and also a couple of other successful enterprises.
Booking options
The free booking option is for TEN members, unemployed people or others in financial hardship. The workbook can be downloaded by clicking the link below. However we recommend that participants buy the printed copy of the workbook, which costs £10 including postage. The full price option is for employed non-members and includes the spiral-bound workbook.